Welcome back to another Good Morning Mondays. I am looking forward to hearing from you all this week and would love to hear how your week has been.
Ours started off with a whole day at our local Eisteddfod. I know I have been talking about this for a few weeks, well the day finally arrived. The children were all practiced up and ready to go.
We spent the whole trip in talking to both of them about humility and as I have said before these competitions are great for character growth.
It was a big day but the children did really well. No 2 son got one First Place and an Honourable Mention and No 2 daughter got two Firsts Places.
They were thrilled and received medals and a small cash prize as well.
Here they are with their medals. No 2 daughter is wearing the dress I made her and she was really thrilled with it. It turned out very well.
After such a big day out I was really tired for a couple of days but I seem to be on top of it now.
My husband and I were able to go out for tea before our Revelation Bible Study. It was lovely to go out together as we haven’t been able to do that for months.
Saturday we went on a tour of some historical sights and I will put up a post about that hopefully later in the week. We counted it as a history lesson and it was very interesting.
Our No 1 son and our No 1 daughter and her family have gone camping this past weekend so they stopped in on their way and of course it was great to see them. The girls are growing so quickly and are just so cute. We had a lovely lunch together and then they headed off for the Otways which is about an hour and a half drive from here.
It is a long weekend here so they are only getting home on Monday night but from what we’ve heard so far they are having a great time.
Sunday afternoon was lovely, it was cold outside and we were able to have a nice restful afternoon.
Okay onto our link up…
I know that I normally only feature the top three posts but because the top three were all written by the same lady I decided to feature the top six.
You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone by Glenys from Sacrificial Home Keeper
God Willing, Tomorrow Will Be Better by Glenys from Sacrificial Home KeeperA House Blessing by Glenys at Selah Christian Musings
The Most Amazing Story by Jo at Stop…have a chat
Are Blogs Unrealistic by Jayne at Adventures At Tiny Toadstool Cottage
Classically Teaching, Latin Introduction by Jennifer at Grammerlings
And my personal favourite was….God’s Plans, My Life by Aimee at A Work of Grace
Wow there were some great posts linked up this week and it was hard to pick a favourite but Aimee’s post really hit a chord with me.
Thank you to all of you for taking the time to link up and thank you for all your comments, you don’t know how much it blesses me.
I have a couple of prayer requests and I ask that you remember Mr H and his wife and family in your prayers. He has started chemo again and is struggling a bit. Also Mrs E is having a new stent put in her heart this Thursday morning. Please pray that God blesses her and keeps her well so that the operation can go ahead.
I have a bit of a busy week. We are cooking for the Gideons on Monday night and they are coming here which will make it easier.
No 2 daughter is turning 10 this Wednesday and we are having a bit of a party for her on Friday night with a couple of close family friends.
Between that I need to sew a couple of sleep suits for some friends for their son, and some curtains for the boys bedroom, to keep out the cold.
I am so sorry that this has been such a long post but I wanted to show you one more picture.
This is a picture of a paddock that we pass on our way to town and the swans have arrived.
They say you can tell how high the water is going to get by how high the swans build their nests. I just like looking at them because they are beautiful.
Well that’s all or enough for this week, and I hope you all have a blessed week and that those of you in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying your summer and those of you in the Southern Hemisphere are keeping warm and cozy.
Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’
Love to you all xxxx